Remember my blog about getting a rapid process health check ?
NO ?, ok, never mind. Here’s the summary.
We stuck our neck out and promised that TEC150 could deliver impactful Procure to Pay insights in just 3 elapsed weeks, using our Rapid Diagnostic Celonis solution.
Yep, that’s right. Three weeks !
Well, True Alliance put us to the test and here is what they said:
“Our business was impressed with how quickly TEC150 delivered real insights into our buying channel performance. The insights provided clarity of improvement priorities. All this was done in 3 short weeks with a very light touch on the business !”
Roni Perlov Chief Financial Officer at True Alliance.
Established in 1982 with the launch of Reebok, True Alliance is now one of the largest retailers, distributors and licensees of premium accessories, fashion, sports and outdoor brands in the Australian and New Zealand markets.
TEC150 examined over 1million purchase order items from their SAP system. Internal process performance was benchmarked across brands using process visualisation and conformance models. We followed a simple methodology as shown below;

For those of us who have spent years in the SAP ecosystem this timeframe is hard to believe. It’s less time than it would usually take to write a functional specification, let alone code an ABAP program and promote through Development, Testing and Production.
So how is this possible ?
Firstly, Celonis has industrialized the data extraction process and delivered ready to deploy analysis with zero code requirements.
Secondly, TEC150 has collected organisational health metrics from a variety of deployments into a ready to use framework.
Together, this combination allows TEC150 to engage the client in a conversation with an advanced set of insights, rather than engage in a conversation around data collection, issues, paint points and so on as we would have traditionally done.
If you want to know how your business can receive a Rapid Process health, please feel free to contact us.